Projected videos @ Paulista Avenue, São Paulo, Brazil, starred by cats and dogs for adoption.
Agency: ALMAP BBDO 2022
Client: Boehringer Ingelheim
#ProjectedAdoption - Projected videos @ Paulista Avenue, São Paulo, Brazil, starred by cats and dogs for adoption.
INSIGHT: In Brazil, more than 30 million cats and dogs are homeless. How can we help these pets live a life along the coolest owners?
IDEA: Take projected videos to the famous Brazilian Paulista Avenue, São Paulo, starred by cats and dogs that are looking for a family.
MECHANIC: The action happened during January 21st and 22nd of 2022. We also showed the video all over social media, using the hashtag #AdoçãoProjetada (#ProjectedAdoption) and generating spontaneous sharing, raising the chances of abandoned pets to find an owner.
6,1 Million people reached in a week
74 Thousand views in a week
Institutional video from Boehringer Ingelheim for the action.
"Brazil faces a sad reality: There are more than 30 million cats and dogs abandoned at the streets. What can we do so people can find and adopt these animals? How can we help them having a life with more joy? On January 20th an 21st, 2022, the action PROJECTED ADOPTION brought a video to the famous Paulista Avenue, starred by pets that are looking for a family. We brought the subject of responsible adoption to the topic hoping to change the reality of millions of animals. We also posted the videos on social media, using the hashtag #AdoçãoProjetada (#ProjectedAdoption) and generating spontaneous sharing, increasing even more the chances of pets of finding new owners. At the largest cities, one each 10 animals are in the streets or at shelters, hoping to find a family. Boehringer Ingelheim, pharmaceutical that lives the purpose of transforming animal and human health using innovative solutions, "
Institutional video from Frontline, Boehringer Ingelheim's cats and dogs anti parasite, for the action.
Institutional video from NexGard, Boehringer Ingelheim's dogs anti parasite, for the action.